Haunting Chats of Disney, Scary Farm, and The Queen Mary

The MiceChat crew discusses Disney park news, but then takes an audio journeys into two of the best haunts in the Los Angeles area, Knott's Scary Farm and The Queen Mary's Dark Harbor, during the two extreme MiceChat Halloween events for 2014. So, join us as we take you for a walk through Knott's Halloween Haunt, then we'll transport you to Dark Harbor, where the amazing Voodoo Village looms, as well as other great scares.   


·      Dusty Sage of MiceChat.com

·      Doug Barnes of the SeasonPassPodcast.com




§  Podcast@MiceChat.com

§  Or call 609-935-2147

§  Find all of the MicePod shows at: http://MicePod.com

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Amazing MiceChat theme song by Steve Williard and Andrew Taylor from Amplify This Music!!!


We'll see you online at MiceChat.com ! ! !

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